I constantly get potential projects and clients that are looking for help growing their buisness and the first thing I ask them is do you have a business plan? Of course if they do they show me the standard business plan format that almost everyone uses and has used for 50 years. It has your executive summary, your financials, your market analysis, your product or service analysis and some projections. And it is typically prepared for their banker or potential investors. The problem with all those plans are that they are static documents they show what the business will look like at some point in the future but there is one major thing missing, how the heck are they going to get there? The major component that is missing is action or motion, what are the specific things they are going to do to achieve this picture they have painted.
A business motion plan gets them thinking about the how they are going to get there, this plan can be done very simply, it may just lay out the specific things they are going to do or it may break it into specific steps such as I talk about in
Ultimate Breakthrough Planning: The Business Funnel Approach where I give you a road map to create a business motion plan.
In my book I talk about creating an active document, a blue print that will you will use every single day to grow your business. Forget about your standard business plan and create a business motion plan that will keep your business moving forward even if tough times! You can here more about my process here:
Ultimate Breakthrough Planning book overview
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